New England "Transcon"
After years of dreams, Mike made plans to spend April and May riding 3500 solo miles across the USA, using the effort to raise money for cancer research at Dana-Farber as a supplement to his regular Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) fundraising.  Donations, large and small, are welcomed and can be made via this link.

Then -- COVID.  Rather than scrap the plan, a "virtual transcon" -- 3500 day trip miles, carrying all supplies for the day, including a tour through all 351 Massachusetts cities and towns.  If you would like to be added to the blog d-list, use this email link.
Day 41:  Granite State (44 miles)
Day 42:  Nantucket (60 miles)
Day 43: Martha's Vineyard (59 miles)

Still riding along on my 1983 vintage steel 12 speed -- two weeks without a modern bike, still focused on my goal!

A donor suggested that I would enjoy a tour of southern NH -- and I did!  My tour was based in my donor's town of Hollis, named, coincidentally, for the same gentleman honored by my freshman dormitory.  Wikipedia instructed me that previous residents included:  Emerson, Thoreau, the guy who said "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", and Mr. BUY BUY BUY.  My tour showed -- NH towns are amazingly "quintessential New England" -- lots of stone buildings and white clapboard municipal structures.  I will be back for a longer tour once I get a bike that can match the Granite State's climbing requirements.

Nantucket in Algonquin means "faraway land" -- a jewel to tour by bike -- the (very affluent) town has built riding trails along every major road, providing appropriate "social distancing" between cars and bikes -- awesome!

Martha's Vineyard -- named by Bartholomew Gosnold, the first English explorer of New England -- after his daughter.  Are there vines?  no.  But -- a great bike day -- as you move west -- the cars disappear -- and you are left with the dunes, the magnificent Gay Head Lighthouse -- great exploring.  And, I enjoyed my obligatory tourist meal at the Black Dog!

Gosnold also gave his name to the smallest town in Massachusetts -- the last town I have not yet explored on this journey -- visible in the background of my Gay Head shot -- one more tour to make!

3023 miles down -- 477 to go!  Near Rochester, NY.  Coming home!

Town Hall, Hollis, NH
Surfside Beach, Nantucket
Sankaty Head Light, Nantucket
Smith's Point, Nantucket
Gay Head, Aquinnah
Gay Head Light
Black Dog, Nice Meal!
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